A Pro Photographer At Your Fingertips

Dawna Stafford
Principle Photographer
Dawna developed a love for taking pictures at an early age. Her very first camera was an 80’s model automatic that used disc film. By the year 2000 she invested in her first pro film camera and by 2005 was an early onset adopter of using professional digital equipment. Her favorite photographic subjects are people!
Entrepenuers and business owners know the importance of continuous, fresh, and professional online content. It can be overwhelming trying to focus on meeting the needs of your clients and customers along with juggling the never ending supply of visual and creative content that’s necessary in today’s online marketplace.
Did you know that you can have a professional photographer at your fingertips and that it can be budget friendly? We want to eliminate the stress and unexpected cost of creative services. Chose from one of our convenient packages so that we are on call for YOU during the times you need it most.
Whether it’s staff or product photos, project completion pictures, updated head shots, event photos, or you need an arsenal of photos for social media, we have a plan that will fit your needs.
Bronze Package
Nice for Influencers- 6 on-location shoots per year (up to 1-hour per shoot)
- Post Processing & Editing
- Image Access From Remote Drive
- Unlimited Use
- Unlimited Editing
- Additional Shoots Available for $50
Gold Package
Good for Most Business- 12 on-location shoots per year (up to 1-hour per shoot)
- Post Processing & Editing
- Image Access From Remote Drive
- Unlimited Use
- Unlimited Editing
- Additional Shoots Available for $50
Platinum Package
Perfect For Bigger Business- 24 On-Location Shoots Per year (up to 2-hours per shoot)
- Post Processing & Editing
- Image Access From Remote Drive
- Unlimited Use
- Unlimited Editing
- Additional Shoots Available for $50
Contact Us To Sign Up!